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Artist Bio

   Cynthia McDowell began making pottery in the late 90's during college. After graduating with a BFA from Colorado Sate University, she realized that she wanted to learn a lot more about her craft. It took several more years of college classes, art schools, attending workshops, teaching ceramics and decades of intense practice behind the wheel, to achieve the skill she has today. Cynthia is a full time studio potter, living in the high desert of N.M. 

   Cynthia opened her Etsy shop in 2010 and decided to commit to making the best pottery she could as a career. Her journey through clay has been a learning opportunity through all of the successes and failures. Traveling to fire various wood kilns motivated her to build her own own wood kiln at home and open a new business, named Earthfired Pottery. 

  Cynthia has participated in many juried show gallery exhibitions around the USA as well as a few internationally. She had also sold at several arts and craft shows and local market's over the span of her career. Early on, her pit fired pottery was featured in a book.

Cynthia currently sells her pottery at the Charlie Cummings Gallery and Taos Museum of Art. Also, in person at the Bayfield Farmer's Market each Saturday in Co. and in her ETSY shop online.

You can also find her at the Potter's Fest in Arroyo Seco, NM on Labor Day weekend and at the La Plata Holiday Sale near her home studio. 

Her latest magazine feature was in New Mexico Magazine in 2020.



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